A Personal Finance Course for Professionals 35-50
Questions? 720-799-1085 Course ID: W82NCN˜0-0-L

Course Outline
Course Outline



Session 1

Section 1: Life & Wealth Planning

  • Financing your life goals
  • Establishing S.M.A.R.T. financial goals
  • Personal financial statements
  • Managing an annual budget
  • Income vs. wealth accumulation
  • Dual–income family considerations
  • Planning an early retirement

Section 2: Barriers to Wealth Accumulation

  • The wealth accumulation formula
  • 14 wealth planning mistakes
  • Debt reduction strategies
  • Inflation trends & purchasing power of money
  • Leveraging the time value of money
  • Overcoming investment fears (opportunity cost)
  • Ordinary income vs. long–term capital gains
  • 12 strategies to save money on taxes
  • Navigating the alternative minimum tax (AMT)

Section 3: Tax Advantaged Investment Vehicles

  • Maximizing the value of your paycheck
  • 401(k) and other benefit plans
  • Rollover defined–considerations
  • Traditional vs. Roth IRAs
  • IRA to Roth IRA conversions
  • Health savings vs. flex spending accounts
  • Tax–advantaged annuities
  • Employee stock options
  • Choosing beneficiaries


Session 2

Section 4: Managing Family Finances

  • Discussing money inside the home
  • Raising financially aware children
  • Navigating child tax credit phase–outs
  • Guardian IRAs
  • College funding investment vehicles
  • Protecting your parents from scams
  • Social Security & Medicare
  • Long–term care for parent
  • Estate planning
  • Wills, trusts & inheritance
  • The probate process
  • Stretch IRAs

Section 5: Investment Strategies

  • Considerations before you invest
  • Cash accounts
  • Stocks & equities
  • Bonds
  • Mutual funds
  • Index funds
  • Exchange–traded funds
  • Alternative investments
  • Active vs. passive investing
  • Robo advisors & model portfolios
  • Professional investment management

Section 6: Risk Management Strategies

  • Common investment risks
  • Investment risk management
  • Asset allocation
  • Modern portfolio theory
  • Protecting against fraud & financial scams
  • Protecting yourself from cash windfalls
  • Property & casualty insurance
  • Disability income insurance
  • Medical & health insurance
  • Comparing life insurance